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Privacy Policy

Last update: May 28, 2024

1. Introduction

This Privacy Policy describes the types of data collected by Talka through our meeting recording bots and our website, the purposes for which we use the data, and the ways in which the data is handled. This policy applies to all users of our service.

2. Data Collection and Use

At Talka, we are committed to transparently collecting and utilizing data to provide valuable services while respecting user privacy. Here's how we handle data collection and its purposes:

Types of Data Collected:

We collect various types of data essential for the functioning of our services. This includes audio, video, and meeting participant data from video meetings, which enable us to facilitate efficient communication and collaboration.

Additionally, to access our services, users are required to register an account. During this process, we collect basic personal information such as email and username, necessary for user identification and authentication.

Purpose of Data Collection:

The data we collect serves specific purposes aimed at enhancing user experience and improving our services:

Insight Generation: Collected data is utilized by our internal data processing and machine learning systems to generate valuable conversational insights. These insights, derived from visual, audio, and textual features observed during video meetings, aim to offer users actionable information and enhanced collaboration opportunities.

Talka Insights Platform: The generated conversational insights are presented to users through our Talka Insights platform, empowering them with valuable analytics and actionable intelligence derived from their meetings.

Use of Data:

At Talka, we prioritize the responsible and ethical use of data to enhance our services while upholding user privacy rights.

Videos uploaded by users, as well as those recorded by our automated recording bots, may be utilized to train and enhance our machine learning models. This iterative process is essential for improving the accuracy and effectiveness of our algorithms in analyzing and extracting insights from meetings.

The use of collected data for internal improvement purposes is strictly limited to enhancing the performance and functionality of our algorithms. This includes refining the accuracy of speech recognition, identifying patterns in communication dynamics, and improving the overall user experience within our platform.

It's important to note that the utilization of collected data for training and internal improvement purposes is not intended for public or external dissemination. We strictly adhere to this principle to maintain the confidentiality and privacy of user data.

To respect user preferences and provide control over their data, users have the option to opt out of the usage of their uploaded videos or videos recorded by our bots for training and enhancement purposes. Users can exercise this option by contacting, and our team will promptly address their requests.

3. User Permissions and Controls

At Talka, we prioritize user autonomy and control over their personal data. Here's how we empower users with permissions and controls:

Account Registration:

Users are required to create an account to access our services. During the registration process, we collect basic personal information, such as email and username, necessary for account identification and authentication. This ensures that users have secure access to our platform and personalized features.

Consent for Recording:

At Talka, we prioritize user autonomy and control over their personal data. Here's how we empower users with permissions and controls:

Account Registration:

Users are required to create an account to access our services. During the registration process, we collect basic personal information, such as email and username, necessary for account identification and authentication. This ensures that users have secure access to our platform and personalized features.

Consent for Recording:

We uphold the principle of informed consent for meeting recordings. Prior to the commencement of each meeting, explicit consent is required from all participants for recording purposes. This ensures transparency and respects the privacy preferences of all individuals involved.

Data Deletion:

We understand the importance of data retention control. Users have the right to request the deletion of their account and associated data. To initiate this process, users can contact our dedicated privacy team at Upon receiving a deletion request, we will promptly erase the user's account and associated data in accordance with applicable legal requirements.

Data Processing Preferences:

Additionally, users have the right to request the cessation of data processing activities related to their account. Whether for privacy concerns or personal preferences, users can request us to stop processing their data by contacting We will promptly address such requests and ensure compliance with user preferences.

Opt-Out Option for Data Usage:

We respect user choices regarding the utilization of their data for training and enhancement purposes. Users have the option to opt out of the usage of their uploaded videos or videos recorded by our bots for internal improvement purposes. To exercise this option, users can contact, and our team will promptly accommodate their preferences.

Data Deletion:

We understand the importance of data retention control. Users have the right to request the deletion of their account and associated data. To initiate this process, users can contact our dedicated privacy team at Upon receiving a deletion request, we will promptly erase the user's account and associated data in accordance with applicable legal requirements.

Data Processing Preferences:

Additionally, users have the right to request the cessation of data processing activities related to their account. Whether for privacy concerns or personal preferences, users can request us to stop processing their data by contacting We will promptly address such requests and ensure compliance with user preferences.

4. Data Retention and Security

At Talka, we prioritize the security and responsible handling of user data. Here's how we ensure data retention and security:

Data Retention:

We adhere to a strict data retention policy, retaining collected data only for the duration necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy and to provide our services effectively. Once data is no longer necessary for these purposes, we will securely dispose of or anonymize it, in accordance with applicable legal requirements.

Data Security:

The security of user data is paramount to us. We employ robust security measures to safeguard user data against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction. These measures include:

Encryption: We utilize industry-standard encryption protocols to secure data transmission and storage, ensuring that sensitive information remains protected.

Access Controls: Access to user data is restricted to authorized personnel on a need-to-know basis. We enforce stringent access controls and authentication mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access.

Regular Audits: We conduct regular security audits and assessments to identify and address any potential vulnerabilities or security risks proactively.

Training and Awareness: Our team undergoes regular training and awareness programs to ensure a strong culture of data security and privacy awareness across the organization.

Data Breach Response:

In the event of a data breach or security incident, we have established procedures in place to respond promptly and effectively. Our response protocol includes:

Notification: We will promptly notify affected users and relevant authorities in accordance with applicable data protection laws and regulations.

Mitigation: We will take immediate steps to mitigate the impact of the breach and prevent any further unauthorized access or disclosure of user data.

Remediation: We will conduct a thorough investigation into the root cause of the breach and implement corrective measures to prevent similar incidents in the future.

5. Sharing of Information

At Talka, we are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of user data and limiting its sharing to essential purposes only. Here's how we handle the sharing of information:

Meeting Transcripts Sharing:

We share meeting transcripts with a trusted Language Understanding Model (LLM) provider, specifically OpenAI, to generate meeting summaries. This collaboration enables us to leverage advanced natural language processing capabilities to deliver enhanced insights and summaries to our users.

Limited Data Sharing:

It's important to note that we restrict the sharing of collected data with third-party vendors solely to the extent necessary to provide and improve our services. Apart from sharing meeting transcripts with OpenAI for summary generation, we do not share any other collected data with third-party vendors.

Data Protection Measures:

When sharing data with third parties, we prioritize data protection and confidentiality. We enter into data processing agreements with our partners to ensure that they adhere to stringent data protection standards and use the data solely for the specified purposes.

Transparency and Accountability:

We are transparent about our data sharing practices and hold ourselves accountable for ensuring that user data is shared responsibly and in accordance with applicable privacy laws and regulations. Users can trust that their data is shared only for legitimate purposes and with trusted partners.

User Control:

We understand the importance of user control over their data. Users have the option to opt out of certain data sharing activities by contacting We respect user preferences and provide mechanisms for users to exercise control over the sharing of their information.

6. Analytics and Tracking

At Talka, we utilize analytics tools to enhance our services and better understand user behavior. The primary purpose of analytics is to gain insights into service usage, user interactions, and platform performance. These insights enable us to identify areas for improvement, optimize user experience, and tailor our services to better meet user needs.

Data Collected:

The data collected through analytics may include but is not limited to:

  • Usage patterns
  • Session duration
  • Features accessed
  • Error logs

This data is aggregated and anonymized wherever possible to protect user privacy.

We may utilize third-party analytics tools, each with its own privacy policies, to collect and analyze data. These tools help us track and understand user interactions with our platform, but they do not have access to personally identifiable information unless explicitly provided by users.

7. User Access and Right

At Talka, we are committed to empowering users with control over their personal information and ensuring transparency in how their data is handled. Here's how we support user access and rights:

Access to Personal Information:

Users have the right to access the personal information we hold about them. Upon request, we will provide users with access to their personal data, including details about how it is processed and shared. Users can request access to their data by contacting

Updating and Correcting Information:

We understand the importance of accurate personal information. Users have the right to update or correct any inaccuracies in their personal data held by Talka. If users find that their information is incomplete, inaccurate, or outdated, they can request corrections by reaching out to

Right to Data Portability:

Users have the right to receive a copy of their personal data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format. Upon request, we will provide users with their data in a portable format to enable them to transfer it to another service provider if they wish to do so. Requests for data portability can be made by contacting

Data Deletion and Erasure:

Users have the right to request the deletion or erasure of their personal data held by Talka. Upon receiving such requests, we will promptly delete the user's account and associated data, except where retention is necessary for legal compliance or other legitimate purposes. Users can request data deletion by contacting

Right to Object and Restrict Processing:

Users have the right to object to the processing of their personal data or to request restrictions on how their data is processed. We respect user preferences and will accommodate such requests to the extent permitted by law. Users can exercise their right to object or restrict processing by contacting

8. Google Calendar Integration

Our integration with Google Calendar complies with the Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements. We strictly adhere to Google's guidelines to ensure the lawful and responsible use of user data obtained through Google Calendar APIs.

The integration with Google Calendar enables users to schedule, manage, and join meetings directly from their Google Calendar interface. This integration enhances convenience and efficiency for users, allowing them to seamlessly incorporate Talka into their existing workflows.

9. Consent to record meetings

We prioritize informed consent as a fundamental principle of our recording feature. Before initiating a recording, all participants in the meeting are explicitly notified that the session will be recorded.
We encourage meeting organizers to inform participants in advance if a meeting will be recorded. This allows individuals to make an informed decision about their participation based on their comfort level with being recorded.

10. Policy Changes and Notifications

We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy as necessary to reflect changes in legal requirements, our services, or our data handling practices. In the event of any significant changes to the policy, we will provide prominent notice to users through appropriate channels, such as email notification or in-app notifications.

We encourage users to review this Privacy Policy periodically to stay informed about how we collect, use, and protect their personal information. By continuing to use our services after any changes to this policy, users signify their acceptance of the updated terms.

For material changes that may impact users' privacy rights or choices significantly, we will seek explicit consent from users before implementing the changes. This ensures that users have the opportunity to review and consent to any significant modifications to our data handling practices.

This Privacy Policy is effective as of May 28, 2024. Any changes or updates to the policy will be effective immediately upon posting the revised version on our website or notifying users through other means.

11. Contact Information

free to reach out to us using the following contact details:

General Inquiries:

Privacy Concerns and Requests:

For matters relating specifically to data protection or to contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO), please use the following contact details:

Data Protection Officer: